Seasons Greetings!

Well what a year that was. It started so well, meeting all our newly-funded project teams for 2020 face to face (whoever thought we’d ever have to specify that!) and hearing all their exciting plans for research. We had a fantastic workshop looking at the Limits of the Law around Human Rights, funded some Ideas Exchanges and then Covid made itself ever-present. Our projects were amazing, displaying a fantastic level of enthusiasm, resilience, adaptability, creativity and good humour despite the challenges – we saw new approaches, shifting activities to online, rethinking methods and engaging people in different ways. And of course we still managed some events, work in progress meetings around Creativity and Policy, Hidden Histories, Mapping, Data and Interdisciplinarity, Expression and Co-production, Environment and Activism and Place and Community, and even managed an online webinar and book launch around the Brigstow funded Kept Apart project. Lastly our collaboration with the Bristol Photo Festival saw two projects funded, “We Are Still Here: Stories from the HIV and AIDS Community” and “Bringing the War Home II”.
So a huge thank you to everyone who we’ve supported through projects this year, to those who have attended events (whether face to face or online) and to everyone else who has continued to engage with us in whichever way – we wish you all a safe, happy and healthy seasonal break and look forward to a different year ahead.
Tim, Gail, Julia, and Ceri