Thematic tags: Language

  • People who have communication difficulties find it challenging to express themselves effectively. People can experience difficulties in communication as a result of a range of conditions; some acquired in birth or early childhood, such as cerebral palsy, others as a …

  • How we think about time – and use time to think with – matters for living well. It matters for our understanding of how the world works and for our perceptions of how and whether it might change.  These temporal …

  • The non-medical experience of menopause is an under-researched taboo and becoming increasingly important due to large numbers of women remaining in work for longer and therefore experiencing menopause transition whilst in employment. Previous research has established how difficult it is …

  • Around one million GP consultations happen in NHS England every working day, addressing multiple problems. Despite this, studies of what goes on during these encounters are uncommon. The One in a Million archive is a unique dataset of high quality …

  • ‘The sea’s ancient role as the ultimate place of catharsis is prominent in many religious traditions. It makes terrestrial existence possible by keeping it “pure.” Historically, many cultures have revered the sea, and at the same time they have made

  • Dhek Bhal, a community-based charity, has been working with the ageing South Asian population in Bristol experiencing social isolation and vulnerability. This project sought to build on their unique legacy of culturally responsive services to collaboratively explore the use of …

  • The vast diversity of languages is an astonishing and rich part of cultural heritage. Language differences are a significant barrier to cultural diffusion. The fact language can contain and discover meaning is one of the mysteries, and one of the …

  • “Technologies for blind children, carefully tailored through user-centered design approaches, can make a significant contribution to cognitive development of these children” (Sanchez, 2008)

    What did the project involve? 

    The project’s initial research questions to explore were within the scope of …

  • Media representations of refugees and asylum seekers have played a damaging role in shaping public attitudes and perceptions of migration. Films frequently stumble into a range of problematic depictions, patronising subjects, sensationalising issues and reinforcing negative tropes, focusing scrutiny on …