Brigstow brings researchers from different disciplines together with a range of partners across the city and beyond to experiment in new ways of living and being.
This Ideas Exchange designed and produce a wordless children’s picture book titled ‘Together’ in collaboration with a professional illustrator. This picture book will be used as a research stimulus to explore how children (4-10 years …
Bristol is known internationally for its thriving film and animation industry and Peru is currently investing in a growing animation sector. By building a collaboration between researchers and animators in Bristol and Peru, the team …
Digital technology is enabling new modes of live performance. ‘New interfaces for musical expression’ emerged as a distinct field c.2001 from research in human-computer interaction (HCI). Many NIME instruments are intended as musical enablers for non-specialists. However, when expert music …
“Physical activity is not just a health issue. It brings people together to enjoy shared activities and contributes to building strong communities….” (UK Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines, 2019)
The Chief Medical Officer’s Physical Activity guidelines recommend how much …
The experiences babies, toddlers and young children have affect how their brains grow and how they learn. Children who live in difficult situations are more likely to be slow to speak or learn, and to develop learning difficulties or conditions …
Fiction cinema often relegates grief to a mere plot device. It can offer superficial depictions that fail to capture the lived experience of mourning in emotional, psychological and physical terms. These screen depictions can be misleading and dangerous, either negating …
The Forget Me Nots (FMNs) are a team of researchers living well with dementia because of close-knit friendships with others with dementia. Prior to the beginning of this project, they developed a peer support network nurtured by the service, emphasising …
Generation Global brings together students aged 12-17 from over 40 countries to engage in online discussion. The organisation aims to promote knowledge, understanding and skills to help navigate difference and ‘otherness’ in a peaceful and constructive way. They explore difficult …
The research explored how future technology might create a feeling of being connected to a place, space, things and people during the transition into care and beyond.
Transition into sheltered housing often comes at a …