Brigstow brings researchers from different disciplines together with a range of partners across the city and beyond to experiment in new ways of living and being.
On 25 October 2020 Chileans voted by a large majority in a referendum to abolish its Constitution and to elect a new Constitutional Assembly, whose 155 members were elected on 11 April 2021. These people then had nine months to …
The print shop of the hand press period is an early modern exemplar of critical making and co-production: hand press books were and are the products of many hands, hands which are often rendered invisible by the final product. This …
Grief affects everyone at some point; in the Bristol area, over 500,000 people suffered a bereavement in the last five years (Sue Ryder, 2019). While it is a normal part of life, it can be intensely painful, frightening and isolating. …
This project sought to bring a group of city partners together to consider an identified knowledge gap around the role of citizen-to-citizen engagement in responding to the climate and ecological emergencies. In particular, this Ideas …
Children’s connection with nature is considered important for improving wellbeing and encouraging pro-environmental behaviours at a time of planetary crisis. However, the impact of directives to ‘stay at home’ during the COVID-19 pandemic have raised concerns over children’s health, development, …
The need for cultural competence in the training for health professionals has been recognised for decades but remains poorly implemented. Covid brought into sharp relief disproportionate negative health outcomes for people of colour in the UK. As data capture has …
This project starts from a recognition that human separability from land and other species can be seen as one of the primary causes of our climate, ecological, mental and physical health crisis. The researchers will build upon the idea that …
Bristol has a long history and connection with a wide range of psychoactive substances. From the transatlantic slave trade of tobacco and rum, the invention of nitrous in the late 18th century, the legal trade and subsequent banning of khat …
This project explores the effectiveness of Peasant Popular Feminism in supporting activism and agroecological (the application of ecological principles to agricultural systems and practices) transitions for women peasants in the Peasant Reserve Zone of Valle del Rio Cimitarra, Colombia.