Thematic tags: communication

  • People with hearing often assume that audible language is all that inter-human conversation offers. However, for over 200 years, a community of ‘visual humans’ – deaf people, or those who experience the world in a predominantly visual way and who …

  • People who have communication difficulties find it challenging to express themselves effectively. People can experience difficulties in communication as a result of a range of conditions; some acquired in birth or early childhood, such as cerebral palsy, others as a …

  • The non-medical experience of menopause is an under-researched taboo and becoming increasingly important due to large numbers of women remaining in work for longer and therefore experiencing menopause transition whilst in employment. Previous research has established how difficult it is …

  • The importance of a GP’s ability to take in, understand and tell stories is well established. GP’s use narratives to give/take medical histories, communicate diagnoses and treatment plans, and within teaching and research.  Despite this, narrative research methodologies have only …