Archives: Projects

  • What did the project involve? 

    This project sought to use Bristol’s Hatchling Event to take a distinctively Bristol look at migration, to widen the range of people that the University engages with, and to design a method for public engagement …

  • People with hearing often assume that audible language is all that inter-human conversation offers. However, for over 200 years, a community of ‘visual humans’ – deaf people, or those who experience the world in a predominantly visual way and who …

  • There are over 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this is set to rise to over one million by 2025. This is putting a significant pressure on the care system, carers, and families. Agitation is common in …

  • People who have communication difficulties find it challenging to express themselves effectively. People can experience difficulties in communication as a result of a range of conditions; some acquired in birth or early childhood, such as cerebral palsy, others as a …

  • Vertical farming is the practice of growing plants, indoors, under controlled conditions in stacked layers, often without solar light. Hydroponics is a subcategory of vertical farming, where the roots are submerged in water containing nutrients for growth. Benefits of such …

  • This project was founded due to a series of recent controversies in the UK which signaled a gap between urgent state directives and their uneven implementation in religious communities, which revealed that language, which is intentionally non-specific, coupled with an …

  • Social futures are frequently presented as digitally-driven, ‘predicted inevitables’, and draw on a narrow range of experiences and priorities. This framing often excludes the voices of communities at the margins, limiting the opportunities for people to shape their own futures. …

  • During the 2021 COP conference, a group of children’s authors and academics began discussing children’s stories that portray the climate crisis. For many years, and currently, these stories have been about heroism: the efficacy of individual actions to prevent disaster. …

  • Many studies conclude that, at an individual level, citizens have privacy and security concerns about sharing data with apps and online services but do it all the same – for reasons of convenience, inertia or an assumption about the existence …