Association of the Unknown Shore

Sat, 20 October 10am - 4.30pm

Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA

We acknowledge the ongoing legacy of the presence, in 1577, of three Inuit in Bristol. Abducted from Nunavut by Martin Frobisher as part of what became the first gold fraud, this story is how we continue to breathe coloniality. Cartography, navigation, encounter, bad faith, magic, alchemy, comets, the start of the explicit European colonial project on Turtle Island (North America) and resulting technologies of oppression through which we all live still.

Works include Mark Igloliorte’s Study for Traditional Seal Skin Neck Pillow (2018), Alethea Arnaquq-Baril’s Angry Inuk (2016, NFB), and mixed media work-in-progress of the Association of the Unknown Shore.

Activities include talks, walks, narwhal tusk casting and underwater recordings.