Hidden Histories. Work in Progress Online.
Wed, 1 July, 2020 2-3pm
Come and join us for a Brigstow work in progress conversation that brings together two of our current co-produced projects for brief work-in-progress presentations and an opportunity for questions and conversation from you. These interdisciplinary projects explore two very different histories: from revisiting the landmark study of Caribbean people in Britain in the 1970s carried out by Ken Pryce, through re-evaluating the role of the 19th century asylum as a therapeutic space by testing the benefits of stitching by measuring whether the rhythmic, repetitive action of stitching can calm and focus the anxious brain into a meditative state,.
The projects are:
Endless Pressure 40 Years On: Revisiting Ken Pryce’s Study of West Indian Life-Styles in Bristol involving Julia O’Connell Davidson (Sociology), Jo Kontis (psychologist and St Werburgs Community Centre), Clive Smith (As It Is TV) and Madge Dresser (History).
Stitching – Obsession – Wellness: Reclaiming the therapeutic value of stitch with Merle Patchett (Geographical Sciences), Jan Connett (independent textile artist and Bristol Health Partners), Amber Roguski (Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience), Anwyl Cooper-Willis (Glenside Hospital Museum), Stella Man (independent artist and Glenside Hospital Museum), Claire Braboszcz (Experimental Psychology) and Thomas Roeske (Heidelberg University).
Please note that this meeting will take place online and will be recorded. A subtitled recording will be made available after the meeting.